by Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos

Ronald E. Bell graduated from John F. Kennedy High School and he graduated from UC Davis as an Urban Sociologist.  He collected data with every election.   Mr. Bell has been at the State of California for over 20 years and became a manager.  As a manager for DMV, he supervised the largest mailroom in the State.  Supervising 42 employees knew their jobs and got them done.  Mr. Bell states the problem today is leaders don’t follow policy and procedures. THE HUB had a conversation with Mr. Bell regarding his current run for Sacramento City Council – District 8.
THE HUB: What are your plans as you run for office?
Bell: I have a voting record from a previous City Council campaign because I stayed in contact over the years.  With the use of social media, I’ve been able to knock on 23,000 social media doors.  It’s been very wonderful doing that and knocking on doors in the community and letting people know we’re there.  From past experience I learned it doesn’t take the amount of money people say you need, to make you competitive; it’s not required.
THE HUB: What challenges do you see ahead?
Bell: The biggest challenge I see is no accountability any more in the way governments and communities are run.  All policies and procedures set up to help our system run properly but they haven’t been used.  Our system works we don’t have to reinvent the wheel with every election, we just need to implement them.  No one in a position of authority should be able to shoot someone and not be held accountable.  Police should be held accountable for shooting unarmed men.  Managers should check and make sure subordinates do their job and hold subordinates accountable.  There’s enough resources in City government currently, there’s a surplus.  We don’t have a housing and homeless crisis; we have a crisis of not using current policies and procedures to end lack of housing and homelessness. 
THE HUB: You have touched on it but how do you plan to address the homeless crisis in Sacramento?
Bell: I support opening the shelter next to the Pannell Center and using it as an example of what a homeless solution looks like.  Make it one of the premier homeless oasis’, make it a compliment and add to the center.  Implement effective programs to transition people in and out in 18 months, to a home or apartment and employment.  I can’t wait to get elected so we can show them.  We need to staff the shelter with people who care and want to and can help them.  City Council voted in November for the site on Meadowview Road across from Genesis Baptist Church.  Currently it’s City property; 4 acres.  There’s opposition to it but due to ineffective leadership in District 8, it was voted in temporarily to get people out of the cold.  I want to build a structure that compliments Pannell Center and doesn’t bring property values down.
THE HUB: How can we increase minorities in City and County employment?
Bell: We have to have a Black agenda again because we’ve been grouped with people of color and its diluted.  The whole Black dream, King’s dream was he wanted us to sit at the table and be as good as everybody else because no other group has been subjected to murder.  I’m carrying on Sam and Bonnie Pannell’s legacy.  Nobody wanted this area, now that it’s a jewel, everybody wants it.  South Sacramento has 5,000 new homes planned.  Leadership has to be there at every front, to say this is how we accomplish what’s set before us, so everybody gets taken care of.  Leadership is making sure businesses thrive and everyone has healthcare;  they are slowly taking Black schools from us.  Our community has gone downhill culturally; we’re catching up with the right leaders.
Economic development includes the Black agenda.  We must work to open more Black businesses.  I am good at introducing serious-minded young Blacks to get money from SBA, if you complete their rigorous program, we’ll help you open your business.
THE HUB: Is there anything that you would like to add?
Bell: I’ve been married 33 years; all my children live in Sacramento. We stayed in our community.  My son went to Valley High School, ROTC and then into the service and he went all over the world.  My son just got back from Kuwait.  My daughter used to cheer for the 49ers.  I want to do what I did for my family for other families in the community.  I do what I do and the Lord rewards.
Click here to connect with Mr. Bell.


 Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos 

Donna Michele Ramos

Donna Ramos writes several (contemporary and historical) multi-cultural, romance novels simultaneously.  Her journalism career as a Senior Staff Writer/Reporter for THE HUB Magazine has yielded interviews with Maxwell, Venus and Serena Williams and HRH Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York, to name a few.  As a self-published author, Ramos received acclaim from Essence Magazine and by being on their best seller lists for her contemporary romance debut book “HIGH RISE”.  Currently she is writing, “M&M: MADNESS AND MAYHEM”, the final book in her “HIGH RISE” Trilogy, and “CHOCOLATE IN THE CITY”.  Donna partnered with another author, Brooklen Borne to write a 4-book sci-fi thriller series, “Absorption.” Last year she was named “Author of the Year” by Write-On! Awards for Literary Excellence.  She states her next project is to “teach myself how to screen write so I can turn my novels into screenplays and submit them to studios and agents searching for fresh new scripts.” Connect with Donna at:



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