‘AINT I A WOMAN’ – The Black Women’s March & Rally

WILL YOU BE THERE! Black Women United (BWU) presents …..

‘AINT I A WOMAN’ – The Black Women’s March & Rally 

Sat-July 15th from 9 am – 12 pm from Crocker Park to the Capitol, South Side. It’s an all-inclusive event, celebrating Black Women from all walks of life. The Sac Hub Media Squad is proud and so excited to be attending the BWU March and Rally! We hope to see you in large groups, small groups and as individuals – spread the word to your daughters, sisters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers, cousins, friends and co-workers.

See below for the fantastic speaker line up. For more info and to RSVP online go to: https://www.bwusac.com


Join the BWU March & Rally and REPRESENT!!!
