Virtual Townhall May 21: “Housing Issues, Dignity, & Justice for Our Unhoused Sisters and Brothers”

Join the conversation on “Housing Issues, Dignity, and Justic for Our Unhoused Sisters and Brothers”. Taking place on Thurs-5/21 from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Featured speakers:

  • Janae Giles, Moderator, Sacramento Loaves & Fishes
  • Kendra Lewis, Executive Director, Sacramento Housing Alliance
  • Kevin Carter, Co-Founder, Sacramento Poor People’s Campaign
  • Fatemah Bradley-Martinez, South Sacramento HART
  • Dale McKinney, The Law Office of Dale McKinney

CLICK HERE for the Zoom meeting and audio link
Meeting ID: 971 3782 3746  |  Password:  185006
Dial In number (audio Only) _ (669) 900-6833

Sacramento Black Community COVID-19 Virtual Townhalls is a capital citywide collaboration of individuals and nonprofit organizations.  For more info, contact Faye @ or
