People online aren’t sure whether to laugh or sympathize with a woman who publicized a moment of real panic while accidentally taking out a chunk of her hair on a livestream earlier this week. Loraine Blake, 18, is thankfully in good spirits about it all.

Her unfortunate video, which was first viewed by only 20 people, has now gone viral.

On Thursday, Blake, who’s from the Bronx, told BuzzFeed News she did not hesitate to start livestreaming herself attempting to relax her hair. The critical oversight was that she had already heavily bleached it a few days earlier.

“I’m always on Instagram Live whenever I’m doing something new to my hair … [I wanted] to make it straight for finger waves,” she said.

A few seconds into her livestream, Blake is seen going into full-on shock when she realizes clumps of her bleached blonde hair are coming off with a comb.

She then begins combing her hair (out) some more because, she said, she was in “pure shock and sadness.”

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