On Friday, Governor Newsom announced new COVID-19 reopening rules that will apply to businesses and schools county by county across the state. The system goes into effect Monday, August 31, and is based on the pervasiveness of the virus and testing rates within each county. Newsom stated that this is a significant change from earlier guidelines. Previous guidelines allowed for the faster reopening of businesses. Instead of 58 different versions of how to operate, there will be four tiers, identified by color. “COVID-19 will be with us for a long time and we need to adapt,” Newsom said during a Friday press conference.


  • Governor’s program goes into effect Monday, August 31st
  • Tiers will be updated each Tuesday
  • Counties must stay in each tier for three (3) weeks before moving to a less restrictive tier
  • Numbers must improve over two weeks
  • Sacramento County officials (County policies apply to the City of Rancho Cordova) are reviewing the new system and may amend their health order. The earliest response/amendment would be next week.
  • The new plan may not supersede county health orders if said county orders are more stringent


Sacramento County is PURPLE

Colors/Tiers are based on the number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents and the percentage of positive tests. Results determine how each county will operate.


PURPLE– COVID-19 is Widespread

  • Sacramento, Yolo & Placer Counties
  • Many non-essential indoor business operations are closed
RED – COVID-19 There is Substantial disease spread
  • El Dorado County
  • Some non-essential indoor business operations are closed
ORANGE – COVID-19 Disease spread is Moderate
  • Humboldt County
  • Some indoor business operations are open with modifications


YELLOW – COVID-19 Disease spread is Minimal

  • Tuolumne County
  • Most indoor business operations are open with modifications
  1. Find your county on the dropdown menu
  2. Find your industry on the dropdown menu
  3. Scroll down on the page to find details

Within each color/tier, there is information, by industry sector, regarding reopening


“The plan also emphasizes that no matter what restrictions the state puts in place, COVID-19 will get the upper hand if Californians don’t adapt their behaviors for the duration of the pandemic.
That means, until an effective vaccine is distributed, Californians must wear a mask every time they’re with people outside their household. Residents must take activities outside and maintain distance even with loved ones who do not live with them. Californians must realize that the safest place to be is still at home. And the elderly and those with medical conditions should still stay away from others as much as possible.” Governor Newsom’s August 28, 2020 press release


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