By Manny Otiko California Black Media
Fresno is the latest scene of a mass shooting since last week’s fatal shooting at a San Bernardino elementary school, killing a teacher and one student and comes on the heels of the Facebook shooting of a 74-year-old man walking down the street in Cleveland, Ohio. According to news reports, Kori Ali Muhammad shot a total of four people late this morning, killing three. He was alleged to have shouted “Allahu Akbar” (which means God is great in Arabic) as he was taken into custody. 
Muhammad appears to be an African American man. 
Fresno police said Muhammad, was also wanted in connection with the shooting of a security guard and has a criminal record. Police Chief Jerry Dyer said it was too early to say if the attack was connected to terrorism. 
According to his Facebook page, which was still live this afternoon, Muhammad attended Grant Joint Union High School in the Twin Rivers School District and went to Fresno City College and list that he resides in Atlanta, Georgia.  He had also posted several black supremacist messages and images of black men who have been slain by the police on his page.


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